Bug Sweep

Bug Sweeping is all about debugging. It’s a physical and technical countermeasures survey used to located illicit electronic surveillance, bugging, and eavesdropping devices. We utilize modern, state of the art and professional equipment in order to perform sweeps to identify various types of audio and video interception devices. If you feel like being comprised or watched over, hire us to help detect these devices and ease your worries and help you live peacefully again.
Bug Sweeps are to safeguard your valuable information and Bug Sweeps TSCM services can examine countermeasures like:
- Hidden camera.
- Wiretapping.
- Elicit audio or optical bugging devices.
- GSM, 3g & 4g cellular eavesdropping devices.
- Micro wireless video devices.
- Laser or infrared eavesdropping devices.
- GPS trackers on vehicles.
- Cell phone spyware / malware.

Eavesdropping and bugging devices are readily available on the internet and can be easily deployed to gather intelligence about your business. Many advanced companies are now taking proactive measures to prevent their valuable intellectual property slipping into the hands of competitors and are having their premises swept for bugs on a regular basis. Indiebim offers professional and discreet bug sweeping and bug detection services to organizations, government departments, and individuals.
About Indiebim
We provide professional bug sweep services for corporations, businesses, government agencies and non-profits. Our highly trained skilled bug sweep specialists use the most advanced TSCM equipment available. In fact, our equipment and expertise set us apart from other service providers in India. Indiebim is a top-rated business bug sweep provider.
Contact Indiebim by email or call us today +91 9967107077 for more information!