Technical Surveillance Counter Measure (TSCM)

Technical surveillance countermeasures TSCM describes the action of sweeping for devices that may be spying on you. (TSCM) sweeps are technical and physical counter-surveillance measures with highly sophisticated equipment for the detection and removal of concealed devices and bugs inside offices, vehicles, homes, and telephones. The services provided by our trained surveillance experts are to uncover technical glitches, faults, weak areas, and other flaws in an organization’s security network that could potentially lead to a damaging data breach. We provide professional TSCM services for corporations, businesses, government agencies, non-profits, executives, and residential clients. We Guarantee to unlock the truth. During the past few years, the number of cases of surveillance cameras has grown. Hidden cameras and bugs have been installed in many private and public places such as homes, restrooms, universities, streets, supermarkets, gas stations, parking garages, cinemas, bars, shops, busses, Train stations, and even discos. Due to concerns of one’s privacy and data security TSCM services is an important reason to check for any of the eavesdropping devices that have been installed to protect your privacy and safeguard your information.
You need TSCM security sweeps, technical surveillance countermeasures, to protect your private communications, intellectual property, and confidential information. TSCM examines many Techniques of bugging and countermeasures such as
- Phone Tapping
- Audio and Visual Bugs.
- Trade Secret
- Tapped Recordings with hidden bug devices.
- Vehicle tracking devices
- Bugging meeting rooms
- Mobile phone bugging

If you require professional TSCM (Technical Surveillance Counter Measures) services, the Technical Division of Indiebim will bring their equipment and TSCM expertise to help you. We carry out Counter Surveillance bug sweeps and Concealed Camera Sweeps in most areas and environments where we use some of the industries’ most advanced electronic counter-surveillance and debugging equipment to locate all types of electronic listening devices/bugs, telephone taps, hidden video, radio and microwave devices. We offer our TSCM services to our clients for protection in complete confidentiality.
About Indiebim
We provide professional TSCM services for corporations, businesses, government agencies and non-profits. Our highly trained TSCM specialists use the most advanced TSCM equipment available. In fact, our equipment and expertise set us apart from other service providers in India. Indiebim is a top-rated business TSCM provider.
Contact Indiebim by email or call us today +91 9967107077 for more information!